Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Death Penalty

Recently, a serial killer in Korea who raped and murdered over ten women was caught by the police and was sent to the court. Due to his brutal crimes, the court decided him as guilty and declared life imprisonment. However, the majority of the citizens in Korea was not happy about the court's decision because they thought that life imprisonment was not enough for the suspect's crimes.

On the day of the final trial, the court sentenced the suspect to death. I was surprised with the court's decision because for the past several years, no one was ever declared death from the court in Korea. Many of the people thought that the court made the right decision, but others thought that it was the wrong decision to make.

In my opinion, I think that death penalty is not necessary in our society. Executing the criminals is just as same as criminals killing innocent people. I think that sending criminals to death penalty is a just another different type of murder. Rather than sending the suspects to death penalty, I think that it is a better idea to sentence the suspect with life imprisonment so that they can truly regret for the actions they made outside of prison.

All lives of people are important, and everyone has people around them that cares about them and loves them. I thnk that this would be the same with the criminals also. Despite the fact that they are a harm and a danger to our society, there whould be families and friends who value them as much as we value our friends and our families. Even the serial killer in Korea that was sent to death penalty wrote letters to his son about how much he cares about his son and how much he loves him.

Although he is known to be one of the most brutal serial killer in Korea, he is still a man with family. I am not saying that punishment is not needed in our society. If one makes a crime, he or she deserves the punishment that the court declares. However, I think that sentecing the suspects to death is just way too much. I hope people start thinking about if we really need death penalties in our society.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Outer appearence vs. Inner side

Two Violins were being sold at an auction. The first violin had gorgeous looking design and appearence with a shiny body. On the other hand, the other violin was old and dusty and it looked like an old junk. Now, the people at the auction all desired to buy the first violin with a good appearence at a high price rather than the old one.
Before the auction started, each of the violins were played. However, the first violin did not sound good and it was sqeaky and annoyed the customers at the auction. When the second violin was played, a gorgeous melody spread througout the auction hall and touched everyone at the auction. As a result, the second violin was sold at a much greater price than the first one did.
We tend to view people the way the people at the auction viewed at the two violins. We tend to judge people and start making assumptions just by looking at the outer appearence of them. I used to judge people by outer appearence also. When I first came to the Ohio State University, I met a guy who looked like a total nerd, so I decided he would not be a playful and a fun guy t hang out with. My friends and I did not hang out with him at all at the beginning of the year. However, after we got to know him better, we found out that he had a really good personality and was exciting to hang around with him.
It is difficult to not judge people by outer appearence, but we should always keep in our mind that a person coul be totally different from how he or she looks like on the outside.
Appearence is the first thing you can know about a person, but outer appearence does not make up who the person is. In fact, the inner side and the personalities of a person have a much more significant role in determing what kind of a person he or she is.
Since the outer side of a person is the first thing we see of a person, it is easy to have prejudice about them and judge people by our own opinions about them. But can outside image really define who a person is? The answer to this question is no. In fact, outer appearence does not define much who a person really is. What defines them is their personalities and their inner side of them.