Saturday, March 13, 2010

Money Money

Money is something that we all need in the society to live a standard life and if we do not have any of it, there is nothing much that we could do in our world these days. Almost everything we do involves money either directly or indirectly.
The food we eat, the clothes we wear, and even the houses and the dorms that we sleep in are all purchased with money. In today's world, money defines how a person lives. There are people who are one of the most richest people in our world that spends money everyday unnecessarily for there satisfaction and buy luxury goods and eat delicious food. On the other hand, there are also people in our world who has to beg for their food and search every night to find a place to sleep.
Whether we like it or not, the people with money have the "power" to do almost everything they wish to do. People envy the people that are more rich and wealthier than they are, and they wish they could become rich like them. Since the rich people live a wealthy life, many people tend to think that money makes a person be able to live a happy life. As a result people work to gather money and become rich because they think that money brings happiness to life, and there are even people that would do everything in order to get money.
Money is an important factor in our life, but it is not the key to happiness. Having a good job that has a high payment, driving fancy sports cars, and living a luxury life can seem to be a happy life but there are other things in our world that makes our life valuable and happy other than those things. We can find happiness in our daily lives even though we do not have all the things above. I think that if we are satisfied with our life and position that we are in right now, than we are living in a happy life.
I hope that people in the world would start to change their minds that money is not everything in our life, and it should not be a goal for our lives. There are things much more valuable than money that can not be priced.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Commonplace Entry

Euthanasia was something that peole argued over years whether it should be legalized or not. Euthanasia is a medial process of killing a patient with uncurable diseases or in coma for a very long period of time who has no hope of regaining consciousness.
Some people argue that it is necessary and should be legalized to reduce the pain of the patients while others argue that there is no difference between murdering someone. In my opinion, I think that euthanasia is necessary in today's world and I think that it should be legalized over the countries.
Although some people would think that it is immoral to take away a patients life, is it still immoral if the patient themselves are desperately wanting for euthanasia? I think that legalizing euthanasia would bring more benefits to the world and it would help a lot of the patients over the world who are suffering from painful diseases and are living hoplessly everyday.

Safety issues in Vancouver

The winter olympics is one of the biggest sports event in our society today where different nations from different continents gather up in one place and compete. The best athletes from each country competes in different events, and it makes the crowd get excited and entertaining just by watching them. I looked forward to the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, and I expected a great Olympic.

However, things did not turn out as it should have been. Before the Olympic started, there were final practices going on at the Luge court (Luge is a sport where the athletes come down a downhill course while laying down on a sleigh). Everything seemed to be fine until a terrible accident occured. An athlete named Nodar Muaritashvili from Georgia fell off from the sleigh while he was entering the final curve in the course and collided with a metal post. He was moved to hospital immediately, but unfortunately, his damage was to severe that he was not able to survive the accident.

When I first saw the news from the internet that an accident occured in Vancouver, and an athlete died while practicing, I was totally shocked. I was surprised that such an accident could happen in such a big event like the winter olympics. It was said on the news that if there was safety equipments on the post, Nodar would have been able to survive. I wondered why there weren't anything around the posts to prevent such a tragedy. A Rumanian athlete had an accident occured before Muaritashvili and was injured, but there were no changes made to the course to prevent such accidents.

The Luge course in Vancouver is known as the fastest tracks in the world, and the fact that there were no safety equipments in the course made me feel angry. Luge is a dangerous sport itself, and there should have been protection before any of the practices or the matches were held. I hope that in further Olympics, there were no accidents like this to ever happen again.