Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Commonplace Entry

Euthanasia was something that peole argued over years whether it should be legalized or not. Euthanasia is a medial process of killing a patient with uncurable diseases or in coma for a very long period of time who has no hope of regaining consciousness.
Some people argue that it is necessary and should be legalized to reduce the pain of the patients while others argue that there is no difference between murdering someone. In my opinion, I think that euthanasia is necessary in today's world and I think that it should be legalized over the countries.
Although some people would think that it is immoral to take away a patients life, is it still immoral if the patient themselves are desperately wanting for euthanasia? I think that legalizing euthanasia would bring more benefits to the world and it would help a lot of the patients over the world who are suffering from painful diseases and are living hoplessly everyday.

1 comment:

  1. I also believe that the death penalty is a waste and that the killers get out of it "easy." With a life to think about what they had done hopefully the criminal would regret the action and feel remorse for it.
